Time to Stop Chewing Tobacco?

Using chewing tobacco is not a risk-free alternative to smoking. It’s an addictive, harmful habit just like smoking and can take a toll on your oral and overall health.

Some of the irritants in chewing tobacco can cause:

  • tooth decay (cavities)
  • staining of teeth
  • abrasion of teeth
  • bad breath (halitosis)
  • receding gums
  • gum disease
  • bone loss around roots
  • tooth loss

Nicotine Treatment Package

Quitting tobacco is one of the best changes you can make for your health. At Calgary Laserworks we want to help you make the best choices possible to become tobacco free. Call 403-301-3730 to arrange an appointment.

Ready to crush it?! YES, you can & you’ll never look back ; )

Calgary Laserworks is waiting for your call. We’ll support you and work with you when you need it the most. During this time you will be making changes both physically and habitually. And we’ll give you tips to help you de-stress without tobacco so you can maintain a tobacco free lifestyle.

Here are some great reasons likely similar to your train of thought, that will remind you what motivated you to want to finally break the habit:


Combine Calgary Laserworks Stop Smoking Program with a true “desire to stop” and you’re on the road to success.

Call 403-301-3730 today to arrange an appointment.

Overwhelmed by stress & anxiety?

Calgary Laserworks Can Help!

Stress and anxiety can interrupt the smooth flow of energy throughout the body. Laser therapy has been shown to help the energy flow smoothly. By targeting energy points associated with stress and anxiety, you will feel the tension leave your body. The calming nature of laser therapy is known to decrease heart rate, lower blood pressure and relax the muscles, ultimately reducing stress and lowering anxiety.

It’s important to keep in mind that stress is part of our life. It’s when it becomes chronic and out of control that it can become a problem. How you manage your stress and anxiety is what will make the difference to a happier, healthier life.

Here at Calgary Laserworks we can help you manage the overwhelming effects of stress and anxiety. Contact us today for a FREE consultation.

Treat anxiety & stress with laser therapy

It’s not too late to kick the habit in 2019 & your life will be richer for it!

“It’s easy to quit smoking. I’ve done it hundreds of times.” – Mark Twain

You know the health risks of smoking but that hasn’t stopped you. In fact, you’ve been thinking and even talking about quitting for years. Well don’t feel guilty. You’re definitely not alone. Nicotine is powerful stuff. Many people try to quit smoking several times before they kick the habit for good.

At Calgary Laserworks we use a low level laser (cold laser) instead of needles to target key energy points on the body. These points are found around the ears, nose, hand and wrist, and when stimulated endorphins – the body’s natural feel-good hormones – are released. This endorphin release has a calming, relaxing effect on the body which helps to reduce or eliminate nicotine cravings and the desire for cigarettes, as well as withdrawal symptoms.

In addition to stimulating an endorphin release, the laser stimulates the body’s natural ability to detoxify the nicotine, helping you through the nicotine withdrawal more quickly.

Low level laser treatments are a safe, non-invasive, pain-free, drug-free and highly effective solution that will help you quit smoking for good.

Don’t doubt yourself – set a date to quit in 2019 – you CAN do it!

Call Calgary Laserworks at 403-301-3730 today.