Many people find their stress increases rather than decreases during the holiday season. Pressure on finances, visiting family members, and in some cases travel, can all wreak havoc on our central nervous systems.
Calgary Laserworks offers laser therapy and reflexology, both of which are effective forms of therapy to help provide relief and reduce the stress and anxiety in your life.
Be proactive and take time for YOU! You’ll be amazed when your system is restored, your stress and anxiety calm down, and you are back control.
Reflexology can help with your health in the following ways:
– Promotes relaxation
– Fights depression
– Lessens fatigue
– Improves blood circulation
– Relieves body pains
– Releases congestion or stress in the nervous system and balances the body’s energy
Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is safe, easy, affordable, and effective. The calming nature of laser therapy is known to:
– Decrease heart rate
– Lower blood pressure
– Relax muscles
– Stimulate the release of endorphins, those natural “feel-good” chemicals, creating a sense of overall well-being
Call 403-301-3730 to arrange your appointment today.