Don’t risk developing smoking-related problems

In this article we take a look back at the benefits of quitting smoking on the Health Canada website.

The Government of Canada has some valuable information and tools to help you live a smoke-free life. Check out the health benefits that begin soon after quitting.


  • 20 minutes: your blood pressure drops to a level similar to what it was before your last cigarette
  • 8 hours: the level of carbon monoxide (a toxic gas) in your blood drops to normal
  • 24 hours: your risk of having a heart attack starts to drop
  • 2 weeks to 3 months: the airways in your lungs relax and you can get more air into your lungs and breathe easier
  • 1 to 9 months: you cough less and your lungs work even better
  • 1 year: your added risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a person who smokes
  • 5 years: you have the same chance of having a stroke as someone who has never smoked
  • 10 years: your chance of dying from cancer is much lower
  • 15 years: your risk of coronary heart disease is similar to that of someone who has never smoked

Even those who have developed smoking-related problems like heart disease or cancer can benefit from quitting. Compared to continuing to smoke, people who quit smoking after having a heart attack can reduce their chances of having another heart attack by as much as 50%.

Learn more here

It’s never too late to quit. The most effective smoking cessation treatment is the one that works best for you. Want to be encouraged to start your journey today?! Give Calgary Laserworks a call at 403-301-3730 to discover more about low level laser treatments. You’ll be so glad you did!

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13 Excellent Quit Smoking Tips

Congratulations! You’re considering a smoke-free lifestyle. Read on for 13 excellent smoking cessation tips:

  1. Find Your Reason
  2. Prepare Before You Go ‘Cold Turkey’
  3. Consider Nicotine Replacement Therapy
  4. Learn About Prescription Pills
  5. Lean On Your Loved Ones
  6. Give Yourself a Break
  7. Avoid Alcohol and Other Triggers
  8. Clean House
  9. Try and Try Again
  10. Get Moving
  11. Eat Fruits and Veggies
  12. Choose Your Reward
  13. Remember That Time Is on Your Side

For more details about these tips have a look back at

If you’re looking for support and a proven therapy to help you on your journey, contact Calgary Laserworks. We’re 100% committed to helping you reach your goals and motivate you to live a healthier, happier, smoke-free life. Call 403-301-3730 for more information.

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Struggling to Break Free from Smoking? We’ve Got Your Back!

Have you found yourself caught in the cycle of attempting to quit smoking, only to find it incredibly challenging each time? If you’re nodding in agreement, you’re not alone. Quitting smoking can be a huge struggle, and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. For most individuals, it takes multiple attempts before successfully kicking the habit for good.

The decision to quit smoking must stem from your genuine desire to do so, driven by your internal commitment rather than external pressures from friends or family. Mental and emotional readiness plays an important role in this journey.

If you’re currently grappling with the struggle to quit smoking, perhaps it’s time to explore Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT). Here’s why LLLT might be the game-changer you’ve been searching for:

1. Safe, Easy, and Affordable: Laser therapy provides a safe and non-invasive alternative to traditional methods. Unlike acupuncture, it doesn’t involve needles, making it a comfortable experience, not to mention, a cost-effective option.

2. Proven Effectiveness: A couple of recent trials in Scotland have shown that LLLT is ten times more effective than popular alternatives such as patches, gum, or hypnotherapy. The success lies in its ability to address the three primary symptoms associated with withdrawal:

  • Blocking the need for nicotine
  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Suppressing your appetite

3. Empowering Self-Success: At Calgary Laserworks, our focus is on empowering individuals to take control of their journey towards a nicotine-free life. We understand that true success comes from within, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

If you’re ready to break free from the chains of nicotine addiction, why not give us a call today? For more information call us at 403-301-3750. Your healthier, smoke-free future awaits!


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Exposure to secondhand smoke poses a serious health problem

Inhaling secondhand smoke poses a grave threat to health, extending beyond just smokers. In fact, the impact of secondhand smoke ripples through everyone in your vicinity—children, expectant mothers, individuals with respiratory concerns, family, friends, and colleagues.

Non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke absorb the same harmful chemicals as smokers. Studies show that even low levels of secondhand smoke exposure can be harmful causing numerous health problems including increasing your risk for lung disease, heart disease, heart attacks and strokes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis), and many life-threatening cancers.

For those who smoke, isn’t it time to bid farewell to this harmful habit? It’s truly never too late. Calgary Laserworks is here to help you succeed. Get in touch today at 403-301-3730.

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Benefits of Quitting Smoking

The Government of Canada has some valuable information and tools to help you live a smoke-free life. Check out the health benefits that begin soon after quitting.


  • 20 minutes: your blood pressure drops to a level similar to what it was before your last cigarette
  • 8 hours: the level of carbon monoxide (a toxic gas) in your blood drops to normal
  • 24 hours: your risk of having a heart attack starts to drop
  • 2 weeks to 3 months: the airways in your lungs relax and you can get more air into your lungs and breathe easier
  • 1 to 9 months: you cough less and your lungs work even better
  • 1 year: your added risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a person who smokes
  • 5 years: you have the same chance of having a stroke as someone who has never smoked
  • 10 years: your chance of dying from cancer is much lower
  • 15 years: your risk of coronary heart disease is similar to that of someone who has never smoked

Even those who have developed smoking-related problems like heart disease or cancer can benefit from quitting. Compared to continuing to smoke, people who quit smoking after having a heart attack can reduce their chances of having another heart attack by as much as 50%.

Learn more here

It’s never too late to quit. The most effective smoking cessation treatment is the one that works best for you. Want to be encouraged to start your journey today?! Give Calgary Laserworks a call at 403-301-3730 to discover more about low level laser treatments. You’ll be so glad you did!

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Calgary Laserworks ~ Your Solution to Quit Smoking Struggles

Are you tired of the never-ending cycle of trying to quit smoking without success? We understand how challenging it can be. Quitting smoking is a personal journey, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach that works for everyone. Many individuals attempt to quit multiple times before achieving long-term success.

The key to quitting smoking lies in being mentally and emotionally prepared. You must genuinely want to quit for yourself, rather than feeling pressured by others. If you’re finding it difficult to quit smoking, it may be time to consider low-level laser therapy (LLLT) as an effective solution.

At Calgary Laserworks, we offer a safe, easy, affordable, and highly effective laser therapy program. Unlike acupuncture, LLLT doesn’t involve needles. In fact, recent trials in Scotland have shown that it is ten times more effective than patches, gum, or hypnotherapy. Our focus is on addressing the three most common symptoms associated with nicotine withdrawal:

  • Blocking the need for nicotine
  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Suppressing appetite

Our goal is to empower individuals like you to overcome nicotine addiction and succeed in quitting smoking. Take control of your life today and give us a call at 403-301-3750 to learn more about how Calgary Laserworks can support you on your journey towards a smoke-free future.


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How Calgary Laserworks can help with your health

In today’s fast-paced world, numerous factors can have a detrimental effect on our health. However, by taking deliberate actions, we can significantly improve our well-being. Calgary Laserworks understands the importance of proactive steps toward better health and offers comprehensive solutions to address some common health concerns.

Smoking and its Impact: Smoking is a major contributor to health issues, ranging from lung diseases to cancer and coronary breakdown. Calgary Laserworks provides effective smoking cessation programs that can help individuals break free from this harmful habit. By quitting smoking, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of various diseases and improve their overall health.

Stress and Happiness: Stress and worry can have a profound impact on our immune system and cardiovascular health. Research indicates that practicing gratitude and cultivating happiness can reduce stress levels. Calgary Laserworks offers Reflexology services aimed at reducing stress, anxiety, and promoting relaxation. By utilizing these services, individuals can enhance their immune system, improve heart health, and experience a greater sense of well-being.

Taking Deliberate Actions: By taking charge of our habits and making conscious choices, we can positively influence our health. Whether it’s quitting smoking, reducing stress, or enhancing relaxation, Calgary Laserworks is dedicated to supporting individuals in their journey toward improved health and well-being.

If you’re ready to make a positive change in your life, Calgary Laserworks is here to help. Call 403-301-3730 to take the first step toward a healthier, happier you. You’ll soon find yourself feeling grateful and proud for investing in your well-being. Remember, small actions can lead to significant transformations.

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Take your first step towards a healthier & smoke-free life

“It’s easy to quit smoking. I’ve done it hundreds of times.” – Mark Twain

If you’re a smoker, you know the health risks of smoking. You may have even tried to quit before, but the addictive power of nicotine can be tough to overcome. The good news is that you’re not alone, and there is a safe, non-invasive, pain-free, drug-free, and highly effective solution available to help you quit smoking for good.

Calgary Laserworks uses a low level laser, also known as cold laser therapy, to target key energy points on the body. This stimulates the release of endorphins, which have a calming and relaxing effect on the body. These endorphins help reduce or eliminate nicotine cravings and the desire for cigarettes, as well as withdrawal symptoms.

In addition to stimulating an endorphin release, the laser helps the body detoxify nicotine, allowing you to move through the withdrawal process more quickly.

If you’re serious about quitting smoking in 2023, consider giving Calgary Laserworks a call. We offer a safe, effective, and drug-free solution to help you break free from the addiction to nicotine. Don’t let smoking control your life any longer – take your first step towards a healthier and smoke-free life today.

CALL 403-301-3730 TODAY!

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Calgary Laserworks Helps Manage Your Stress & Anxiety

Most of us have many responsibilities and worries, especially during these uncertain times. The more your body’s stress system is activated, the harder it is to shut off.

Stress can disrupts nearly every system in your body and can lead to serious health problems. It can raise our blood pressure, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, and suppress our immune systems. Not to mention it can speed up the aging process, and really, who needs that?!

Managing stress in our lives is all about taking charge and being in control of our thoughts, our emotions, our schedule, our environment (even in our current circumstances), and the way we react to and ultimately handle our issues.

Calgary Laserworks will help you manage the overwhelming effects of stress and anxiety and empower you to live a healthier, happier life…without meds!

Contact us at 403-301-3730 to put your name on our list for a FREE consultation once business reopens.

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