Stress is a normal emotion, but…

What if there was a non-invasive, drug-free solution to ease your burden?

At Calgary Laserworks, we harness the power of low-level laser therapy to target the root causes of stress and anxiety. Our treatments stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, promoting relaxation and a sense of calm from within. Struggling with stress and anxiety is all too common in today’s fast-paced world, but we can help you say goodbye to restless nights and racing thoughts. With our innovative approach, you can reclaim control over your emotions and experience a newfound sense of peace.

Take the first step towards a stress-free life today with Calgary Laserworks. Give us a call at 403-301-3730 to discover more about our treatments. You’ll be so glad you did!


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Take charge of your well-being today

Amidst life’s uncertainties, prioritizing your well-being is paramount. Smoking emerges as a significant threat to health, contributing to ailments like lung disease and cancer. Equally detrimental, STRESS!

Stress and worry corrodes the immune system and cardiac health. Studies show that being thankful and happy can reduce stress. Research also shows that 50% of our inclination to be happy is genetic, something you can’t effect very much, 10% is based on surroundings (job, money and family), and 40% is “deliberate action”. Deliberate actions are things we can control through behaviour.

So how can Calgary Laserworks help with your health?

We can help you take deliberate actions! While genetics play a role, deliberate actions wield substantial influence over happiness levels. We’ll help you stop smoking, reduce stress and anxiety, and help you relax, all which can improve your immune system and much, much more.

Discover the pivotal link between health and happiness with Calgary Laserworks.  Give us a shout at 403-301-3730 and embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier you. Your future self will thank you for this proactive step towards holistic wellness.

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The calming nature of laser therapy

Discover the transformative power of low level laser therapy in restoring the body’s natural energy flow and alleviating stress and anxiety. This gentle yet effective treatment promotes relaxation by reducing heart rate, blood pressure, and muscle tension. By stimulating the release of endorphins, it fosters a sense of well-being and overall balance.

Targeting specific energy points on the body, such as the ears, hands, arms, wrists, and feet, low level laser treatments effectively dissipate stress and anxiety, leaving you feeling lighter and more at ease. While stress is a common part of life, managing it is crucial for our well-being. When life’s challenges become overwhelming, seeking help is essential. Before stress escalates into chronic conditions, consider the benefits of low level laser therapy.

Don’t let stress dictate your life. Take the first step towards a happier, healthier existence by contacting Calgary Laserworks at 403-301-3730 today. Let us help you reclaim control and embrace a brighter future.

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Summer – a time for healing, rejuvenation & relaxation

The warm, lazy days of summer can be a time for healing, rejuvenation and relaxation. To really get the most of your summer downtime preventative medicine can be the perfect way to enhance your body’s balance and positive state of mind.

Reflexology is a great form of preventative medicine. Its relaxing and stress releasing effect allows the body to restore energy while being filled/flooded with a general feeling of calm and well-being.

The origins of reflexology can be traced back may thousands of years. Many civilizations and cultures have used this ancient form of healing throughout history. The main principle of reflexology that has evolved with time and research is that the feet mirror the body.

Reflexology is a non-invasive form of healing involving application of pressure to the feet and hands with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques without the use of oil or lotion.

Reflexology improves the circulation and nerve supply, and most of all releases physical and emotional stress at the same time. Since many of our health problems can be linked to nervous stress, reflexology is a valuable tool for the support of the well-being of anyone. In fact, you don’t have to be sick in order to benefit from a reflexology treatment.

Reflexology has so many amazing benefits including:

  • Stress Reduction
  • Improved Circulation
  • Increased Energy
  • Pain Relief
  • Relaxation
  • Helps Rid the Body of Toxins
  • Decreases Headaches
  • Nerve Stimulation
  • Relieves Allergy Symptoms
  • Decreases Insomnia
  • Healthier Immune System
  • Instills Overall Sense of Well-being

Consider it as a relaxing time-out or a preventative measure to support your overall wellness. Call 403-301-3730 to arrange your appointment today.

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How Calgary Laserworks can help with your health

In today’s fast-paced world, numerous factors can have a detrimental effect on our health. However, by taking deliberate actions, we can significantly improve our well-being. Calgary Laserworks understands the importance of proactive steps toward better health and offers comprehensive solutions to address some common health concerns.

Smoking and its Impact: Smoking is a major contributor to health issues, ranging from lung diseases to cancer and coronary breakdown. Calgary Laserworks provides effective smoking cessation programs that can help individuals break free from this harmful habit. By quitting smoking, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of various diseases and improve their overall health.

Stress and Happiness: Stress and worry can have a profound impact on our immune system and cardiovascular health. Research indicates that practicing gratitude and cultivating happiness can reduce stress levels. Calgary Laserworks offers Reflexology services aimed at reducing stress, anxiety, and promoting relaxation. By utilizing these services, individuals can enhance their immune system, improve heart health, and experience a greater sense of well-being.

Taking Deliberate Actions: By taking charge of our habits and making conscious choices, we can positively influence our health. Whether it’s quitting smoking, reducing stress, or enhancing relaxation, Calgary Laserworks is dedicated to supporting individuals in their journey toward improved health and well-being.

If you’re ready to make a positive change in your life, Calgary Laserworks is here to help. Call 403-301-3730 to take the first step toward a healthier, happier you. You’ll soon find yourself feeling grateful and proud for investing in your well-being. Remember, small actions can lead to significant transformations.

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Reduce stress & anxiety BEFORE the hectic holiday season!

Many people find their stress increases rather than decreases during the holiday season. Pressure on finances, visiting family members, and in some cases travel, can all wreak havoc on our central nervous systems.

Calgary Laserworks offers laser therapy and reflexology, both of which are effective forms of therapy to help provide relief and reduce the stress and anxiety in your life.

Be proactive and take time for YOU! You’ll be amazed when your system is restored, your stress and anxiety calm down, and you are back control.


Reflexology can help with your health in the following ways:

– Promotes relaxation
– Fights depression
– Lessens fatigue
– Improves blood circulation
– Relieves body pains
– Releases congestion or stress in the nervous system and balances the body’s energy

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is safe, easy, affordable, and effective. The calming nature of laser therapy is known to:

– Decrease heart rate
– Lower blood pressure
– Relax muscles
– Stimulate the release of endorphins, those natural “feel-good” chemicals, creating a sense of overall well-being

Call 403-301-3730 to arrange your appointment today.

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Stress & anxiety keeping you awake at night?

Stress and anxiety can interrupt the smooth flow of energy throughout the body. Low level laser therapy has actually been shown to help energy flow smoothly again, helping to reduce stress and lower anxiety.

The calming nature of laser therapy is known to decrease heart rate, lower blood pressure and relax muscles. The laser stimulates the release of endorphins, those natural “feel-good” chemicals, creating a sense of overall well-being.

Low level laser treatments involve a cold, soft laser beam applied to specific energy points on the body (ears, hands, arms, wrist and feet). By targeting the energy points associated with stress and anxiety you will feel the tension leave your body.

While everyday stress is part of all our lives, and how we manage it contributes to our quality of life, sometimes life’s circumstances can make stress and anxiety difficult to deal with on our own. Before your stress becomes chronic (long term) perhaps low level laser therapy is worth a try. Once the dark & heavy feelings of stress are relieved you will feel more confident in your ability to cope with the challenges of life, and ultimately, a happier, healthier existence will be restored.

Call Calgary Laserworks at 403-301-3730 today so that we can help you jump-start the rest of your life!

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Reflexology is a very gentle, non-invasive form of healing

“The theory behind reflexology is that areas of the foot correspond to organs and systems of the body. Pressure applied to the foot is believed to bring relaxation and healing to the corresponding area of the body.” – Mayo Clinic

Reflexology is a very gentle, low risk, non-invasive form of healing and can bring immense relief and dramatic changes oftentimes in only a couple of sessions.

10 key benefits:

  1. Improves circulation & nerve supply
  2. Helps the body eliminate toxins
  3. Decreases the number of headaches
  4. Releases physical & emotional stress
  5. Lessens fatigue & enhances energy
  6. Stimulates a healthier immune system
  7. Improves sleep & decreases insomnia
  8. Reduces pain & associated psychological symptoms
  9. Relieves allergy symptoms
  10. Provides an overall sense of well-being

Your feet may be the key to transforming your life! To learn more about reflexology and all its benefits give us a shout at 403-301-3730. We’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.


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Need help with stress and anxiety?

Calgary Laserworks offers Laser Therapy and Reflexology, both of which are effective forms of therapy that can help provide relief and reduce the stress and anxiety in your life.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is safe, easy, affordable, and effective. The calming nature of laser therapy is known to:

– Decrease heart rate
– Lower blood pressure
– Relax muscles
– Stimulate the release of endorphins, those natural “feel-good” chemicals, creating a sense of overall well-being


Reflexology can help with your health in the following ways:

– Promotes relaxation
– Fights depression
– Lessens fatigue
– Improves blood circulation
– Relieves body pains
– Releases congestion or stress in the nervous system and balances the body’s energy

Take time for “you”. Call 403-301-3730 today. You’ll discover that life can be amazing when your system is restored and your stress and anxiety calm down and are in your control.

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Getting back to business!

Thank you for your understanding, patience and continued support during these uncertain times. We hope all is well with you and your family and you’re staying healthy and safe.

We look forward to reconnecting with our clients. Currently we are not accepting walk-ins, but with proper safety measures in place we’re ready to schedule appointments. When you call to discuss or schedule your appointment we will provide you with a COVID-19 protocol update for Calgary Laserworks based on the current restrictions and guidelines.

For more information, please call the office at 403-301-3730.


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